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Are Christians Not Allowed to Judge?


"Judge, not , that ye be not judged." (Matt. 7:1) . People who know little else about the Bible often know this verse and use it in the most bizarre way. Even when a person is criticized for unspeakable wickedness, they piously gurgle, "Judge not, that ye be not judged". In other words , they use the verse to forbid any condemnation of evil. The fact of the matter is that while there are areas where we must not judge, there are other areas where judgment is commanded.   


Here are some instances where judging is out. We must not judge people's motives; not being omniscient, we cannot know why they do what they do. We must not sit in judgment on the service of another believer; to his own Master he stands or falls. We must not condemn those who have conscientious scruples about things that are morally neutral; it will be wrong for them to violate their conscience. We must not judge by outward appearances  or show respect of persons; it is what is in the heart that counts. And certainly we should avoid a harsh, critical censorious spirit; a habitual fault-finder is a poor advertisement for the Christian faith.


But there are other areas where we are commanded to judge. We must judge all teaching to see whether it agrees with the Scripture . In order to avoid unequal yokes we must judge whether others are true believers. Christians should judge disputes between believers rather than allow them to go to civil courts. The local church must judge in cases of extreme forms of sin, and disfellowship the guilty offender. Those in the church must judge which men have the qualifications of elders and of deacons.


God does not expect us to throw away our critical faculty or abandon all moral and spiritual standards. All He asks is that we refrain judging where it is forbidden and that we judge righteously where it is commanded.

By: William MacDonald


ADDENDUM: Be careful, not all Christians are qualified to judge; only obedient Christians who know the truth can judge other Christians. (See Cor. 5 and 6.)

By: Osmundo Sabado

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